

As a very keen (but very average) bridge player, I thought it might be helpful to share aspects of bridge that I have accumulated or devised over a number of years, in the hope that they might prove useful to other aficionados of the game.  By no means are they meant to be prescriptive in the slightest, but they do offer useful (I think) guidelines that players may or may not wish to follow.  At least, even if you disagree with them, hopefully they will provoke thought and analysis. 

Ken Topham

 All content is copyright-free.

A description of several bridge conventions.

A series of hints and tips about bidding, declaring and defending.

How to take a screenprint using Windows.

How to make a video recording of the play.

(Image taken from

Tables showing the probabilities of card distribution.

Using Microsoft Access to check the correlation between partnership points and contracts played.

Youtube videos showing experts playing. 

Links to useful websites